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Enable selection of MPEG 4 movies

There are two movie file types that you can use in VideoLinkwell projects. One type are QuickTime Movie files with the extension of .mov and the other are MPEG 4 movie files with the .mp4 or .m4v extension. You need to enable the appropriate format to open the movies. You also need to ensure they are encoded with the H.264 codec.

QuickTime Movie Files default format

When opening a movie file in a file dialog by default the QuickTime Movie Files Format is enabled. Here you can see the movie '' is enabled,
however the movie 'Spirometry.mp4' is an MPEG 4 movie and is greyed out so can't be selected.

Enable MPEG 4 Movie Format

1. Click on the Format button and select MPEG 4 Movie Files.

Now the movie 'Spirometry Demo.mp4' is enabled and can be selected.

To open the mp4 file:

2. Click on the mp4 file.
3. Click the Open button to open the MPEG 4 movie.